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Drive the Fire! Into a New Beginning...

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

Almond Bloom

The Universe waits for an almond bloom which will be a sign that a season has ended and a new one has begun.

As above so below

Heart of the Moon believes reality has made a course correction which opens a window of opportunity for earth. The building blocks of change are piling up such as completing a huge cycle as the age of Pisces comes to a close; and The Mystical Rectangle of an inner journey of redeeming and perhaps finding a new vision for ourselves. To say the least, a wheel alignment has been long overdue. In Ezekiel's vision, the being of four identities (above) and the wheel system (below) are reflections of each other. The eyes of the almond tree and the Menorah or chakra system (wheel system) are absolutely related to the wheel system and its eyes in Ezekiel's vision. It's apparent, the being is related to the four fixed signs of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio above, and everyone has a chakra system - a version of the wheel system in Ezekiel's vision below. That being said, when we go inwards, heal and balance our chakra system we're aligning with the energy above, so, it's like we're getting a wheel alignment.

The Hourglass Spread
Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Heart of the Moon does public readings as a spiritual service. And sometimes the readings give multiple messages, such as in the Capricorn Full Moon of 2020. This time a second message is published, which is - a ride as it were is sitting in a driveway all this ride needs is someone to drive it for the very first time. Its coat of paint is fiery orange with tinges of red. This ride is full of life, to yoke or put it inside a vase - keep it on the shelf would be like trying to stop the sun from rising and that would be a shame. It therefore, has to be shared in the light of the public garden. First though, things needed to be re-balanced, re-aligned, new foundations on earth re-made, chapters closed, or dissolved that cannot exist in the light of where earth is going. The Universe watches and waits with bated breath, for Them it's waiting on a tree shoot to rise or a flower to bloom in the public garden, as this will be a sign that a season has ended and a new one has begun. But this time, not just one camp, but all camps will have a chance to make a mad dash across the Red Sea of change and enter their own garden. When we put everything together, it's a window of opportunity.

Curvilinear Abstract

Heart of the Moon believes reality has changed for the highest good of all not just for Two Individuals, and that's something to celebrate. Can we stop the sun from rising? Or how does a flower push through a hard surface? It just does. Because it's similar to try and stop the energy that you and I have from bursting forth for all to see, which means it can only stay on the shelf like a vase - stay hidden for so long. Your neighbor, the family that lives on a remote island, everyone on earth has a precious gift. Our chakra wheel system that’s been described by Ezekiel, is part of a spiritual process of co-creation between the Universe above and us below. Between the energy in the skies the constellations and our wheel system. When flowers or tree shoots rise, they're signs that a season has ended and a new one has begun. It also symbolizes a celebration of life as an outward expression of our inner abundance and joy. The Universe has been waiting for a certain flower to bloom which will be a clear sign a season has ended and a new one has begun. Shouldn’t a celebration of life be shared and duly marked as an event?

When we combine the energy of the fixed signs (above) with our wheel system (below), the implications reach far and wide, they are respectively Taurus and Scorpio and Leo and Aquarius.

All of us share the same Spiritual aspects below that can channel the energy of the constellations above. Earth has made a course correction, which helps to make it possible for inner TRUTH to shine as a celebration rather than sitting on the shelf in the shadows. It's going to involve pushing our wheel system to the limit. It will end an age - begin a new one in a blink of an eye. Earth might be able to delay energy from expressing itself, but they'll never be able to stop a force of nature from expressing itself as the sun rises, as the great cycles of life play out on the fiery grasslands of Leo. It's only a matter of time, because that potential is in all of us, and there's seven billion buds on earth with the potential to burst their colors. Who will make that bold leap towards the sun channel the spirit of Ursa Major the Great Bear? It's a window of opportunity for the Divine Feminine of the inner and Divine Masculine of the outer as a moment of creation for both of them. So why not duly mark it?

At the heart of the Ankh is the alignment of the above (circle) with below (horizontal) and then an earnest step outwards (vertical). At the Heart of the Moon, is an inner transformation of healing, the result is our inner (black) and outer (white) energies balanced to align with the energy above. We believe there needs to be some dialogue, for the sake of integrity. Heart of the Moon strongly believes this energy can be introduced safely. Why? Well...what's the nature of Fire? There's such thing as a control burn. So, it's possible to play with Fire and not burn down our world. The chakra system below channels the energy of the fixed signs above, EVERYONE on earth has a chakra system. It's only a matter of time. Since, earth has made a course correction, it can be done with one earnest step at a time. There's never been anything like it. So why not make it a celebration of life?

Drive the Fire!

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1 comentário

20 de dez. de 2023

That would be different.

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