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Clean house for a Visitor

When Heart of the Moon speaks of our vision, we mean an extension of our testimony which can be found on our Testimony page. And sharing it in a way we love the most through artistic expression such as with Monument to humanity which is a statement of the times and The Table of infinite potential. Our mission is to help close the gate on a chapter and open a new one: A clean house for a Guest. It's really a basic value or impulse, if we know a visitor is about to arrive at our house...clean the house or at the very least tidy it. But sometimes the visitor arrives unannounced, the result could be a rude awakening for both. However, in both cases we can WATCH and prepare. Of course a clean house matters, but Heart of the Moon believes a clean spiritual house matters a lot. Such as waking up to our hidden gifts, highest good and purpose, because once you think about it, really, only you can discover where you're going.     

Isaiah 61:3

" give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning..."

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The Heart 

Our temple (house) supports a wheel system better known as a chakra system. When a chakra system is in balance it gives off a brilliant unique frequency or mark (individuality); on the other hand, if the chakra system is out of balance it gives off another frequency or mark. When the wheel system is in balance, the crown chakra connects us to the Divine and our Divine purpose which allows guidance or spiritual food and the Holy Spirit (strength) to flow more easily, right through to the heart chakra (green). Because the heart chakra is the bridge between the lower and higher chakras. As such, the key to aligning with our Divine purpose is to balance our lower chakras...a clean house for a Guest. The crown chakra is the "beautiful headdress" instead of the Gourd of Ashes, the Holy Spirit is the "oil of gladness" instead of the cloak of mourning. But no one really has to give you anything, except maybe a wake-up call in the spirit of a Watch Tower to help make you aware of your hidden gifts. Heart of the Moon believes, God the Universe notices the frequency that runs through our heart.   

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Gourd of Ashes

Sackcloth of Mourning

All of You are beautiful Watch Towers!

A clean house for a Guest

Earth is charting their own destiny, and Heart of the Moon believes that's a great selection! It really comes down to Self-Expression & Freewill in the sprit of CHOICE. And Heart of the Moon respects CHOICE; in all matters, including but certainly not limited to, getting ready for a high-jump meet, a business venture and Globalization. Then again, while there could be great intent and sincerity in the choice of Globalization, at the same time we believe earth could be short changing themselves. While, CHOICE is about self-expression, sometimes  CHOICES can limit our choices. Because globalization actually opens a path towards the way of the Scorpion again, because countries have to give up control of their overall happiness & independence, and Britain has helped to show that. As a result, the Spiritual Universe has guided Heart of the Moon to do a course correction by literally turning our attention 180 degrees from a previous (perceived) reality, and chose the beach blanket option over the Sackcloth. Why? After looking into it further, a bigger picture comes into view. In a previous reality and we're using the term reality very loosely, Two Witnesses by choice and personal initiative channel the same energy as Moses, which is Taurus & Scorpio energy or the way of the Scorpion because earth went with a way that projected someone else's idea of overall happiness & independence, which consequently limits an energy table which limits choice. The way of the Scorpion is painful yet temporary, the short game. But countries like Britain and others, along with a general public consensus, have chosen to direct their own overall happiness & independence which presents a unique frequency or mark, which overall is a course correction from a perception of reality. Heart of the Moon hasn't changed anything, earth has, although our spirit is included into the general consensus. At the same time, Heart of the Moon realizes it all comes down to the spirit of Freewill, as a result, we're imploring earth to reconsider the energy of individuality & independence. Because, we believe they're great choices along with the spirit of the group. We believe, it's possible, to close the chapter on the way of the Scorpion and open a new one towards the Eagle of a higher purpose, the long game; as such, currently all accounts are full including the energy table, no one is short changed. For the first time earth has a chance to rearrange itself and close a cycle and then walk into a new doorway in an opportunity they created themselves. If we use our current knowledge, eventually earth's consciousness needs to level up because of the finite lifespan of our sun, eventually we need to leave our nest, and advanced knowledge will help, and that's a problem for everyone. All of the signs make a unique contribution to life's evolution, which means Spiritually we need all of society on board for earth to evolve and level up. But in order for society to level up, it needs to heal itself first. By healing and then leveling up earth creates their own opportunities. A clean house for a Guest such as the Eagle, and that will help earth leave its nest, which is for the highest good of all. 

The triple 6 goes to 18, 1 & 8 are Independence & Overall happiness respectively. However, the 18 is the nearly there 9, which opens the possibility for earth to chart their own destiny, and follow their own idea of independence & overall happiness. But really we do not mean to put anyone inside a box.  

What is the effect of Self-Cultivation? 

Reality has Changed

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But then again, we're using the term reality very loosely, it's better to say a perception of reality has changed. As the masks come off indeed. The Hourglass aspect of Cronus the Time-Master showed up in the Hunter's Full Moon on October 13, 2019, which Heart of the Moon believes was a sign in the sky that a huge cycle is coming to an end; also a contribution to help heal society. Cronus the Time-Master (if we allow for error or artistic flair as The Nearly There Signature) put his signature on the Hourglass aspect in the Hunter's Full Moon, with Chiron's assistance. We believe, Cronus had a FINITE amount of time to capture the world in his own image. But then again, it seems healing and transforming society for the better is a 180 degree spin from his persona? Yes and no. From a spiritual point of view, devil or dragon energy is meant to test us like the Red Dragon of Pisces myth tested the resolve of Zeus. But really it's all an illusion or a perception of reality. Because, at the same time, the vibration of the 9 holds a humanitarian energy because when we use Numerology the triple 6 (Cronus' signature) goes to 9, and then...voila!...Cronus the Red Dragon comes out from the curtain as Cronus the Humanitarian. The HUMAN number, sound familiar? In the Cancer New Moon just recently, Cronus' teammate the Crab just finalized the time keeping with 0:0. As a result, we believe, all of the energies are aligning with new paths, but it doesn't mean everyone will align with the new energies, it really comes down to choice. Because, the next sign in the sky is the Cardinal T-Square of Initiation into a new beginning coming up in the Capricorn Full Moon or Buck Full Moon. So, the apparent CEO of Evil got some 'splaining' how he helped transform society for the better. 

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