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Cree woman with Scarf

Our first jigsaw puzzle design... a blend of tradition and chic. 

Dimensions: 19 x 19 inches


500 pieces - cardboard gloss finish

Price: Puzzle + Delivery = $56.99 (Canadian)

Cree woman with Scarf - Puzzle
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The Line Abstract is a lively pattern. Can you see it on your wall?  

Dimensions: 12 x 16.5 inches

285 pieces - cardboard gloss finish

Price: Puzzle + Delivery = $46.99 (Canadian)

Various patterns to choose from...   

Please look at The Electric Sea Online Art Show for a variety of patterns.

Line Abstract 

The Golden Sea - Puzzle

The Golden Sea

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Whisper in the Forest

Introducing a portrait of a waterfall our first landscape puzzle. A distraction off the beaten path, for a chilly fall day.   

Dimensions: 12 x 16.5 inches

285 pieces - cardboard gloss finish

*Introduction Price*:

Puzzle + Delivery = $41.99 (Canadian)

Also in the Shop, look for signed copies for purchase of this original artwork called Introduction Series I

*Introduction Price* lasts until the end of winter 2023 through 2024

Whisper in the Forest - Puzzle
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The Firefly

The Firefly lights up any season 

Dimensions: 5 x 7 inches

12 pieces - Wooden - Tin Box

Price: Puzzle + Delivery = $88.99 (Canadian)

Perfect if you would like to leave a donation and receive  a complimentary gift. The Firefly can light the way.  

The Firefly Tin Box

Tin Box

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The Firefly - Puzzle

Payment Method

Two ways to pay

1) Express your desire to purchase one of our Jigsaw Puzzles:

2) We'll send you a *PayPal* link, then make payment 

3) Otherwise can buy now

4) In each case please make sure to provide NAME and shipping Address. 



Thank You! 

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