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The Spiritual Universe has one word as a basis for integrity: HARMONY  

almond & Olive Tree

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In order to know one need to know the other. The symbolism of the Trees is a duality. The Olive tree can flourish underground until conditions become favorable. The Almond Tree is the Watcher of seasons. The Almonds are the eyes. The Almond Tree tells the Olive Tree of the season. The duality is Light and Dark, of awareness and inner light of a harmonious partnership, but exchanging the spotlight. As such, the Almond and Olive Tree acknowledges and embraces all aspects of his authentic self.  

Monument to humanity

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Statement of the Times

However reality literally does a 180 turn! 

Greetings from the Almond & Olive Tree! A 180 degree course correction! The constellation of Orion symbolizes all of humanity, Gemini energy which means energetically humanity get's the last say in their own destiny...nice! What's been spoken many times before? Everyone is in charge of their own energy, captain's their own ship. The society I'm familiar with, is or should be walking down the street free of fear of our freewill being trampled on by a Bull. The Spiritual Universe will not interfere with humanity's freewill for that simple reason. But what if humanity gives up their freewill and projects someone else's idea of freedom? Such as an all controlling power. They attract in their likeness. In myth, a giant scorpion was sent in to take care of Orion, and that symbolizes a reality but more like a perception of reality. In that (perceived) reality, humanity gave up their freewill by choice and then attracts in their likeness the all controlling power of the 2 Witnesses. The Sacred Pair channel Taurus & Scorpio energy, symbolized in the sky as the Scorpion comes in behind Orion and the Bull head-on with the fiery Aldebaran, and then "open a can of worms" on humanity, very similar to what Moses did in Egypt. Yes but, it looks like there's a course correction, also by choice, because, some countries have or are in the process of re-claiming their individuality & overall happiness, helping to preserve Freewill. And that brings in a different energy, instead of the warlike Aldebaran, the Dog Star Sirius comes in as a support for humanity. That's literally a 180 degree turn! The Sackcloth of Mourning is switched out with a beach blanket (symbolically) reflects this 180 turn of reality. Which shows my deep spiritual connection to the Hopi of the South-West, and reveals part of my identity, as the Blue Kachina. First published on Facebook.

A final word, LOVE wants to come in for earth. In myth, a dragon comes in as an all controlling type of energy, and then 2 Fish intervene for Love, they carry Love to a safe spot because Love does not control. In history the energy of the Fish show up at least twice, during Exodus & Joan of Arc. Love has been waiting ever since, but Love has to be invited in, but it looks like there’s a window of opportunity for Love to return. In a strange reality, in humanity’s quest for control & domination the paradoxical happens they put themselves in their own stranglehold, and end up in the position of Love, now that’s a strange reality because they’re all in for total control of the earth, but the spot of Love has no control. As a result, humanity attracts in their likeness, the all controlling power of the 2 Witnesses, where they’re not accountable for anything. The 2 Witnesses come in the spot as the all controlling dragon. The 2 Fish are none other than Cronus and his associates, Christians know him as Satan, the Hopi know him as the Great Spirit Maasaw, because in that reality the nearly there 9 turns into 9 the completion which means earth has been captured in his own image. And then, The 2 Witnesses "open a can of worms" on earth, but then the Fish intervene. The 2 are humiliated in defeat for a few days and then ascend up into heaven in a blink of an eye. But Cronus was given a finite amount of time to capture earth. Currently, earth has not been captured, and just recently time has energetically run out. In other words, reality has done a 180 turn, also by choice. Presently, The Two Witnesses come in as a different form, now in the spot of Love no longer in the spot of the all controlling dragon. Spirit has led me the Almond & Olive Tree to walk into the spot of Love rather then the spot of the all controlling dragon, because reality has changed, freewill is preserved...Love does not control. And the 2 Fish are the Spiritual & Physical Universe. My sacred partner is the Universe, and who ever walks in the path of Love. My energy does not control. The energy I represent was used during Exodus, as a Pillar of Fire and the Light & Dark of the two sides of Truth.

Love & Love

The Helper

Everyone will have a chance to make a mad dash across the Red Sea into a higher realm of consciousness, and make their own trip around the sun and make it back to tell their tale, but in order to do that all camps should be in the light of knowledge, not just one camp. Overall, I believe people have been denying their intuition, and turning a blind eye to current knowledge. But that's changing quickly, I believe that's a step in the right direction, because, there's A LOT more at stake than people realize. The discovery of other galaxies, millions of star systems & planets, water in comets, are ALL the building blocks of life; which means ALL the building blocks of life are out there and they've been out there for millions of years, which have been the teachings of the Hopi, both together shows a different reality than what we've been traditionally taught. I believe it's inevitable some people will explore the Milky Way galaxy and beyond because we don't live in a one size fits all glove universe. In another reality, earth chooses a one size fits all glove and ends up putting themselves in their own stranglehold. So, one thing should be clear, unless Freewill is given up, the Spiritual Universe will not interfere with earth's Freewill, but will be there as a support. What's at stake? Longevity. If ALL the building blocks of life have been out there for millions of years, life has been evolving for millions of years; as it turns out we hold the key to our own longevity, but first Freewill must be preserved and then use our own key to open the door into the Higher realms of consciousness. What's the common market for the Universe? Knowledge. If Freewill is preserved, earth may choose to make that mad dash across the Red Sea, and I believe it will be something to celebrate because earth will be making a step into higher consciousness, at the same time opening more doors into higher sources of knowledge from across the Universe. Now that's a step in the right direction, because ideally our knowledge should be topped off enough, so as to make it around the sun and live to tell about it like the comet Neowise. As a result, I believe the Universe thought you should know, we are not alone. Everyone has a chance to a make a mad dash across the sea of flux into their own promised land...just going for it!

What made a Saint a Saint?

If we relate Spirituality with energy, we can ask a question, what made a Saint a Saint? Spiritually it meant, turn a situation around (transmute energy) to create a window of opportunity, and if it was humanitarian in nature a window of opportunity for others. However, the Saint made sacrifices such as their status and sometimes their lives, so there's the silver lining in the myth of The Ram. Helle made an ultimate sacrifice, however, the myth illustrates if there's a sign and season that could turn a sacrifice - a situation around into an opportunity, it's the season of The Ram. And, people do not have to be Aries to take on Aries energy, because we all have a portion of each sign within us. If you're in quarantine, and think you can't make a difference think again, because you can make a difference. Thoughts and prayers can make a difference, but Spiritually take it a step further, turn thoughts into visualizations, such as, if a few takes a minute each day visualizing turning a situation around this will help create that window of opportunity; just imagine a million of the collective visualizing turning a situation around and so on. The Ram's season also has an energy of an underlying energy, a bigger picture is happening behind the scenes. If we go back to a previous reading, the 5 of Swords from the Art of Life Deck came up and has the following quote on it: "Sometimes I go about pitying myself, and all the time I am being carried on great winds across the sky." Have faith then there are Spiritual forces behind the scenes beyond our control, working for the higher good of all. On one hand though, lack of information is darkness, but if we consider the quote from the 5 of Swords then: Don't be afraid of the dark. 

Love & Love

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