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Heart of the Moon

Current Events


PREDICTION: Someone(s) will release his or her inner fire. As a celebration of life. With the spirits of Duplication of Scorpio, Finger of God of Taurus, a Comet of Aquarius and Force of Nature of Leo. Which will make a level playing field across the entire Universe. In turn, usher in a new age. 

PREDICTION | The mission: Release Cronus the Red Dragon back to Eden. Available Boosters - Cup of Apollo, Horn of Corvus, Sirius the Dog Star, LOVE.


BIG DREAMS are no problem for Spirit. Just ask Rome and Greece & Alexander. But even they established limits. In other words, going past Hadrian's Wall and the Rhine today would invite in Sacred Pair energy, also earth will still be wrapped around Cronus' Ring of Saturn. However, there's a way to be truly free and still go after a BIG DREAM. Which is release Cronus back to Eden, with the help of Pisces energy and then go right to the edge of a BIG DREAM, w/o inviting in Sacred Pair energy.

* The Thomas Gallery Scholarship for Canadian students created on ScholarTree.

As a way to support a community of students who are exploring their potential. 

Goes live on August 7 through November 22, 2024

Pleased to announce The Scholarship has reached its goal!

*Please consider purchasing the new Wild-Flower t-shirt designed by artist Jennifer Grisenti, as 90 percent of sales will go towards The Thomas Gallery Scholarship



Unearthing the Treasures of Summer Art Show poster
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The Thomas Gallery

The Thomas Gallery is pleased to announce the time of the Unearthing the Treasures of Summer Art Show - will be held during the entire 2024 summer season. Let's face it, there's a time for calm but then there's a time to burst colors. This summer, we cordially invite everyone to unearth the peaceful and overflowing summer alongside the ambassadors of art of Linear and Abstraction.  

Currently only open for VIP password holders.

The 2nd segment of the art show is now LIVE! Open to the public. 

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Please consider donating, we'd really appreciate it...thanks!

While your waiting check out The Electric Sea Online Art Show - 
Phone Version
Laptop Version

New Video | Drive the Fire! Right to the Edge | The Entirety Comes Online 

Happy New Year!

From Heart of the Moon

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Heart of the Moon's message for the year 2024: Let the light of LOVE shine the way. Everything begins in silence. And then new life is born into the world. This year we highlight the spiritual process of transfiguration. Of expressing our inner beauty as spiritual fire. The Menorah or Lampstand is believed to be a reminder of Source's everlasting energy. Which is referred to as a "shadow" or a blueprint of heavenly energies. Since, we have the spirits of the Almond & Olive Trees which are our consciousness & sub-conscious respectively, all of us are shadows of a heavenly pattern. As well as, preview of what's to come. A kind of independence a turtle enjoys. Like them, we don't lack anything. Can it be anything else? If that's true, can we also discover our own journey in the oceanic galaxy? As a celebration of life? 

Love & Love  

Returning to our true selves 
A shadow of what's to come...

Hurricane of Pentacles - Inner Beauty - Spiritual Fire

Libra  New Moon Solar Eclipse and Gemini Full Moon of 2023
Libra Solar Eclipse 2023 - Mystical Triangle
Gemini Full Moon 2023 - Kite of Intensity & Star

 In 2024, there's a continuation of a narrative - Hidden Gems Come Online. Sparks could fly during the Scales' Solar Eclipse of 2023 (left, top). Because, check it out, the Triangle of Potential (beige lines) is energized by the classical lovers Venus and Mars along with Black Lilith and Saturn. At the same time, overlaid on top of it is the Mystic Triangle. It looks as if the entire society Moon and Sun could embrace a radical new idea of the self Quincunx Uranus (gold line). And then Pluto now direct, will help draw it out. It's none other than society "taking a leap of faith" into the Mystical Underworld of Pluto. Which is also the energy of the Fool card. But it will be a slow burn like smoldering coals. Because there's a goose egg of Fire energy in the energy set. As a result, this energy is very similar to the spirit of star Mira, which is a way station to stay inert and discover the potential of an energy. Which is the inert side of the Two of Wands energy, which is the spirit of the 2nd decante of Aries the Scale's energetic partner. If we have the habit of running away from our energies, than Spirit has a way to make us face them. The goose egg of Fire energy is also an invitation to go inwards, and refrain from taking action on anything. Then again, there might not be any Fire energy, but perhaps our spark is all that's needed.


 What's more of a motivator? There's also a Triangle of Trial (not shown) in the Libra New Moon, which is strange but gives a good lead in. Usually, the most ideal is for the now to completely break-away from the past. This is why the North and South Nodes are always in Opposition meaning the present and past are running away from each other. But sometimes things happen differently, where the past and the present somehow meet in a strange place in middle ground. In this instance, in the Triangle of Trial the middle ground is Pluto's world. Heart of the Moon strongly believes Israel stayed in this middle ground right after they got delivered from Egypt, also they and Rollo the Walker and his descendants walked into this middle ground during the 2nd decantes of their energy which were both Aries. It's also pretty much common knowledge that Spirit has been known to test individuals, as if to ask are you sure you want to go further? Because, to walk out of that energy Spirit needs our FREEWILL. Consider this, seeing is often believing, but not always the best motivator. What's more of a motivator? Seeing? Or our own energy or own TRUTH? Because, what's the Triangle right after the Triangle of Trial in the Horn of Corvus? The Mystical Triangle.  


 The energies of the Gemini Full Moon of 2023 reflect our prediction/BLOG of October 2020: Drive the Fire...Right to the Edge. Also, reflects an almond bloom and its stem. Take a look, there's two aspects, the Star (beige lines) overlaid with the Kite of Intensity (entire kite shape). The Star shape says it all - Star formation. It's also masculine energy. From the season of Virgo, the Kite of Intensity is the energy of Boötes the Herdsman the 3rd decante or the feminine O energy...all together it's a Birth. The capital E beside the North Node in Aries, is the asteroid Eris the Rebel or the Sorceress of Chaos. But Eris is also about self-expression. So any energy that moves towards the focus of the Kite, has to go through Eris and any conjunction with her. So what did earth bring to the energy table for Eris? Heart of the Moon believes earth has made a course correction, thus, they've brought choice, either Chaos or Self-Expression? The initials AB beside Black Lilith in Virgo is the star Alula Borealis which means the First Leap. AB is in the hind feet of Ursa Major the Big Bear the 2nd decante of Leo the Lion, which symbolizes a leap towards the Sun. As the spirit of Lilith is also about self-expression, the Blackbird is calling everyone out to make that first leap - uncage our inner Fire, which is literally channeling the Fire energy of the Big Bear. Which means, her and Eris can come together on common ground with self-expression. It's none other than the masculine and feminine energy working together to usher something new into the world. What's the nature of Fire? If we can answer that we know the symbolism of it. We know any fire doesn't recognize boundaries which can cause chaos which is Sacred Pair energy, but it's also possible to have a control burn that goes right to the edge. 

 And, harvesting the gold in Libra via the South Node will help get us there. As was mentioned above, the Kite of Intensity is none other than the feminine spirit of the Maiden. Overall, working with the Star to birth something anew. Just consider the following, the energy of the Virgin is periodic, on the spiritual body is the Menstrual cycle. Strongly suggests, to review the spirit of Eris. Because, while Chiron is just contributing his energy to the North Node, there's actually a stronger connection, which is the Conjunction of Eris (E) and the North Node in Aries. So, if we need some extra energy to push through the birth canal then Eris could be what we need, as she symbolizes self-expression and rebellion. But there's two kinds of rebellion, one is going against Spirit or the spiritual process, the other is 'turning the tables' on the status quo. In this case, we believe in the latter. However, you might be inclined to believe something else. If you move to the right along the gray line from Aries, the birth is the gold in Libra conjunct Venus. Such as, the energies of the 1st decante of Libra like the Horn of Corvus the process of a build, the 2nd decante like combining the engine with a structure and reaching for higher energies, lastly, the 3rd decante like the energy of the Mandelbrot set towards a crowning event. All in all, perfecting the entire process of a build and/or ushering in a new social/political system. Right to the edge...a shadow of what's to come...

The Whisper That Won't Go Away

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Heart of the Moon serves up some soul food on LULU by way of an e-book called The Whisper That Won't Go Away authored by Tom Gower and edited by Kate Winter. The energetic history of Aries the Ram is laid out like a standard rule book. However, there's nothing standard about the content, which will challenge your view of history, energy and yourself or at the very least leave an unforgettable flavor. Aries the Ram is head strong and fiery to be sure, but Spirit has a way to get its attention - with a Whisper - for a new wall to butt down. If you feel like you're being held back, a new breakthrough is just under the surface. 

The Finger of God - module 1

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